Health Insurance in Kansas

The Uninsured in Kansas

New U.S. Census data show that Kansas is one of 10 states in which the uninsured rate went up in the last two years. This 2008
fact sheet also provides information about the age and work status of uninsured Kansans.

Employer-Sponsored Insurance in Kansas

Employment, even full-time, is no guarantee of access to employer-sponsored insurance. This 2008 issue brief discusses the availability of employer-based health insurance in Kansas.

Uninsured Young Adults in Kansas

Twenty-three percent of Kansans age 19-34 are uninsured. This
2008 fact sheet discusses this population and why these individuals are more likely to be uninsured than any other age group.

Health Insurance and the Uninsured in Kansas

About 89 percent of Kansans have health insurance. That”s better than many states. Still, more than 300,000 Kansans are uninsured. This 2008 report provides an overview of important trends in health insurance coverage as well as a profile of the uninsured.

Health Insurance and the Uninsured in Kansas

PowerPoint presentation

This 2008 chartpack is intended for use in presentations about health insurance and the uninsured in Kansas.

Understanding Health Insurance in Kansas: Who Has It, and Where Do They Get It?

About 89 percent of Kansans have health insurance. That”s better than most states. Even so, nearly 300,000 Kansans lack coverage. Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other sources, this brief examines the insurance status of Kansans and the reasons some lack coverage. Note: this report
was updated
with the
most recent
data. For the updated report, select Health Insurance and the Uninsured in Kansas

Health Insurance in Kansas: A Primer

narrated presentation is a Flash file that can be viewed on your computer. Total length of the presentation is about 20 minutes. Because of the size of the file, the
presentation could take several minutes
to download.

When you select the link, located in the heading above,
a separate window will appear on your screen.
It will be blank until the complete file has downloaded, then it will begin playing automatically.
We suggest that you select this link first
to start the download, then
browse the accompanying files while waiting for the download to complete.
When you hear the narration, you will know that the file
downloaded is complete and you can view the presentation.
This presentation is also available on CD.
To order a free copy,
please e-mail us at



This document provides an overview of the



Glossary of Health Insurance Terms

To fully understand health insurance, it is helpful to be familiar with its terminology.
This glossary
defines some of the most commonly used health insurance terms.

Presentations and Notes

We have included this handout to enable you to take notes while you view the




For your convenience, the transcript of the


is available for you to read.

We welcome your comments on the usefulness of this information and would like your suggestions
about additional topics you would like us to cover.
Please e-mail
comments and suggestions


This project is made possible through funding from the Sunflower Foundation and the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund. We”re grateful for their support.