Health records missing at health policy authority


TOPEKA, March 23
The Kansas Health Policy Authority has notified about 100 people that a computer disk containing information about their health records and identities has been lost within the agency.

A password-protected disk was mailed to the health policy authority by a company that helps process information about people receiving benefits. The disk reached the agency but not the person for which it was intended.

“There is no evidence that the disk went beyond our office, the password was broken, or any information was taken off the disk,” according to Megan Ingmire, health policy authority spokesperson.

Ingmire said she could not comment on which benefit program or programs were included on the disk.

“These people were receiving benefits through the Kansas Health Policy Authority and the services we provide,” she said. “It”s all private health and identity information.”

The health policy authority provides benefits through Medicaid, the State Children”s Health Insurance Program, MediKan, and the State Employee Health Benefits Plan.

“The security of our customers” personal information is a serious matter and of the utmost concern to KHPA. We will continue to investigate this incident, and we have begun to further strengthen our standards of security,” said Marcia Nielsen, the executive director of the health policy authority.
“At this point, we have no reason to believe the CD has been taken for anyone”s personal gain through use of the personal information contained on the CD.”

Health policy authority employees and visitors must enter with a pass key or pass by a receptionist; visitors are always escorted.

The authority said it was taking every step to ensure that individuals” information is kept private and is not compromised.
The authority has conducted its own investigation, and as a result, is changing how it manages mail and other processes. Even though it has a privacy officer, the agency will hire an additional person to help protect the privacy and security of customers” information, KHPA officials said.

“The Board”s executive committee was informed of this issue once we became aware of the situation,” Nielsen said. “As an added precaution, I asked the Kansas Attorney General and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to conduct an investigation.
Their findings support our belief that the disk has been lost within the agency, and it is nothing more than simple human error.”

Though the health policy authority does not believe someone outside the office has gained access to the information on the disk, the letter sent to individuals today includes steps as to what they can do to protect their private health and identity information.

For individuals who have been affected by this lost data disk, a support line has been established at 785-296-3981.
As a precaution, individuals who call for additional information will be asked to provide the customer identification number listed on the letter.