Kansas members split on Medicare drug price legislation

By Jim McLean

KHI News Service


Three of the four members of the Kansas congressional delegation on Friday voted for legislation requiring the federal government to negotiate Medicare drug prices.

Republican Jerry Moran joined Democrats Nancy Boyda and Dennis Moore in voting for the bill, which faces a veto threat from President Bush should it also pass the Senate.
Republican Todd Tiahrt voted against the measure.

The bill overturns a provision in the 2003 law that created the Medicare prescription drug program and left drug price negotiations to the private insurers who offer competing drug plans to seniors.

“The legislation was drafted in a way that was supported by the pharmaceutical industry. We ought to be more focused on the taxpayer and the consumer,” Moran said, explaining before the vote why he planned to support the new negotiation requirement.

The measure was approved 255 to 170, with 24 Republicans joining 231 Democrats in voting “yes.”

Moran represents the 1st Congressional District, which covers western and central portions of the state. Boyda”s 2nd District covers the eastern one-third of the state with the exception of the Kansas City metropolitan area, which lies within the 3rd District represented by Moore. Tiahrt”s 4th district includes Wichita and its suburbs.

Neither Tiahrt nor Chuck Knapp, his communications director, were immediately available to comment.

However, many Republicans said the new provision was unnecessary given that the overall cost of the drug program is lower than expected and with polls showing that a majority of participating seniors are satisfied with it.

Democrats contend that requiring the government to negotiate will lower prices more.

“We do think there is an opportunity to get some additional value for seniors and additional value for taxpayers,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

In 2006, approximately 22.5 million of the nation”s approximately 43 million Medicare beneficiaries participated in the prescription drug program, including more than 220,000 Kansas seniors.

Jim McLean is a staff writer for KHI News Service, which specializes in coverage of health issues facing Kansans. He can be reached at


or at 785-233-5443, ext. 110.