KDHE reviewing public comments on coal; written statement to follow

KHI News Service

TOPEKA, Dec. 19

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has begun reviewing more than 400 public comments collected as part of the permitting process for three, 700-megawatt coal-fired generators at Sunflower Electric Corp.”s Holcomb facility near Garden City.

KDHE Secretary Roderick Bremby said it was uncertain when the agency would decide on the permit but that 72-hour public notice would precede that announcement. The permits have drawn opposition from eastern states, Kansas environmentalists and others who claim the plants would pollute the air while exporting most of the electricity outside Kansas. Supporters said the plants would provide needed jobs and boost the economy of western Kansas.

“We have begun a thorough review of all of the comments and public statements that we”ve received, and will address each issue presented,” Bremby said in a prepared statement released Tuesday. “I want to thank everyone who has shared their thoughts on this important issue. The large response shows that Kansans care deeply about issues affecting our state.”

Bremby said the department would produce a written summary of its responses to issues raised by the comments and public statements received.

“Our main interest is how thoroughly we will address the issues raised, not how fast.
We want to be sure that we give each statement the thorough review it deserves, and that all issues raised in them are investigated and addressed,” Bremby said.

The public comment period ended Dec. 15.

The department reported it had received approximately 400 written comments in addition to statements given during three public hearings held late October through mid-November in Garden City, Topeka and Lawrence.