KHPA searching for advisory council members

KHI News Service

TOPEKA, Dec. 19

The Kansas Health Policy Authority
Board is looking for people to serve on three of its advisory councils.

Chairperson Connie Hubbell said the board seeks volunteers willing to serve on the agency”s consumer, provider and purchaser councils.

* The Consumer Council will help guide the Board on issues relevant to consumers, specifically health care access, quality, affordability, sustainability, and health promotion.
Members will include individuals from across Kansas who represent various consumer interests.

* The Provider Council will have representatives of various health care professions for advice on issues pertinent to health-care providers and encourage provider participation in public programs.

* The Purchaser Council will represent various health and health care purchaser interests.
It will be responsible for input on health policy that affects employers, insurers, and other buyers of health care services.

Those interested in serving or nominating someone else should send a letter of nomination and/or resume by January 17 to:

Director of Communications

Kansas Health Policy Authority

Landon Building, Rm. 900-N

900 SW Jackson Street

Topeka, KS 66612

Council members will be selected in January and February by the health policy
authority’s board and staff.
Each council will begin meeting in March.

The Kansas Health Policy Authority is responsible for coordinating a statewide health policy agenda. All health insurance purchasing by the state is combined under the health policy
authority, including publicly funded programs (Medicaid, State Children”s Health Insurance Program, and MediKan) and the State Employee Health Benefits Plan.

The health policy authority also is responsible for compiling and distributing uniform health care data so that health care consumers, payers, providers and policy makers can know about trends in the use and cost of health care.