Sebelius appoints Health Information Exchange Commission

KHI News Service

TOPEKA, Feb. 8

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has appointed a commission to bring health care providers and stakeholders together to advance the use of information technology in health care.

The Health Information Exchange (HIE) Commission will work to advance the recommendations of the HIE workgroups created through the statewide health information technology and health information exchange policy initiative.
That initiative was created by the Governor”s Health Care Cost Containment Commission, which sought to identify ways to reduce administrative costs in health care.

“We have a real opportunity to use technology to get a handle on the administrative costs that eat up 30 cents of every dollar spent on health care.
Even something as simple as a health insurance card that can be swiped through a card reader instead of copied has the potential to reduce costs and cut down on billing mistakes,” Sebelius said. “When you also consider the opportunities to reduce medical errors, it”s clear that we need to bring these new technologies into more widespread use.”

The new Health Information Exchange Commission will include representatives of the provider community, consumers, business community, health plans, government, information technology experts and health policy experts.
Commission members
will take a public/private approach to advancing the use of information technology and ensuring patients” private health information is protected and secure.

The commission will further the work of the Health Care Cost Containment Commission by seeking opportunities to expand the initiatives and implement the recommendations of the previous commission including efforts to standardize credentialing procedures for physicians joining health plan and hospital networks, developing an advanced ID card project, and seeking ways to promote the electronic exchange of health information while assuring the privacy and security of that information.

And, the HIE Commission will coordinate and focus the state”s continuing efforts to capitalize on the advantages of technology to achieve health care cost effectiveness and quality.

Members of the HIE Commission include:


Jeff Ellis, Lathrop and Gage

Karen Braman, currently Kansas Health Policy Authority, and as of 2-26, joining Preferred Health Systems


Tom Bell, Kansas Hospital Association

Jennifer Brull, MD, Prairie Star Family Practice

Helen Connors, KU Center for Healthcare Informatics

Joe Davison, MD, West Wichita Family Physicians

Diana Hilburn, Via Christi Health Systems, Inc.

Jackie John, RN, Great Plains Health Alliance

Maren Turner, AARP Kansas

Ken Mishler, Kansas Foundation for Medical Care

Marcia Nielsen, Kansas Health Policy Authority

Sandy Praeger, Kansas Insurance Commissioner

Howard Rodenberg, Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment

Kristi Schmitt, ARNP, Finney County Health Department

Robert F. St. Peter, MD, Kansas Health Institute

Bill Thornton, MGP Ingredients

Bill Wallace, Blue Cross Blue Shield Kansas