Session Watch

Senate Bill 1

has been referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Public Welfare. The bill would limit the amount of thimerasol in vaccines given to children ages 8 and younger and by 2009 ban the additive.

Senate Bill 24

has been referred to the Legislative Educational Planning Committee. The bill would increase the stipend paid to
those receiving medical student loans.

House Bill 2009

has been referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee. The measure would allow pharmacists to vaccinate children. Currently they can only vaccinate persons ages 18 and over.

House Bill 2010

has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. The bill would update the state”s Uniform Anatomical Gift Act to make donor cards and
some driver”s licenses more legally binding and create organ donor registries.

The Senate Health and Welfare Committee

will be briefed on the uninsured in Kansas by Kansas Health Institute senior policy analyst Sheldon Weisgrau, 1:30 p.m. Jan. 11, Rm. 231-N.

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